Meeting Soheir Zaki

Photo of Roxxanne, Amira, Sahra and Samasem

In June 2002, I accompanied Sahra to Brazil to help translate her dance workshops. I happen to be half-Brazilian & half-Lebanese and fluent in Portuguese, as well as a dancer, which made me the perfect Belly Dance Workshop translator. We spent our days teaching the Sahra style of Egyptian dance and our nights with our…

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What’s In A Name????

Shelby? Shalaby? Shelaby? Shalbey?

Well when you are an immigrant that can be very complicated!  Take my family name for example…. Phonetically it is pronounced Shelaby but because it is an Arabic name, when it is transferred into English there is a variety of possible spellings. You see, when my grandfather came from Lebanon (then Greater Syria) through Ellis…

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Ahlan Wa Sahlan!!

Photo of Lebanese breakfast - Zaatar and Lebni, Shankleesh, Khubs, fruit and coffee

Welcome!! The Lebanese generosity is evident every where we go. Ahla wa Sahla often followed by Fàdalo (come in)…. So much wonderful food, such pleasure in sharing their culture with others. This is what makes Lebanon so special! This is a typical Lebanese breakfast in our modest and charming hotel; Every morning I have had…

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Arriving in Beirut

Photo of Lebanese Visa stamps in passport

Traveling to Lebanon for the first time had me full of conflicting emotions.  I was excited to get to know the homeland of my paternal grandparents and the place my father came back to to attend the American University in Beirut and reconnect with his roots.  But was I setting myself up for disappointment?  Was…

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